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Inspired by: Benkert Banke Bollard
Product description
Metal post Waste bins, bicycle racks and posts - serving a public function: busy areas and popular paths in the urban jungle need infrastructure and necessary amenities that will make cities more attractive. No garbage, no bicycles that block valuable parking spaces because they are attached to lampposts. Bollards placed strategically on access roads and arterial roads significantly reduce the risk of accidents. A wide range of accessories will put a smile on the faces of people using the facilities and a wide smile on the part of the staff and staff of the Office of Competition and Consumer Protection, who will say: "Finally someone has read our minds!"
Technical data
2220 x 690 x 450 mm 1925 x 500 x 450 mm
BENKERT BANKE, Post, Urban and outdoor furniture, Urban furniture, Posts, Construction, post, Stainless steel urban furniture, Metal urban furniture, Stainless steel posts, Metal posts, Posts
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