Rules for placing an order in the shop

1. Product selection.

  • If you are interested in a product, add it to your cart by clicking "Add to cart".
  • If you want to continue shopping, just click "Continue shopping", if you already have all the selected products, click "Proceed to checkout" or click the cart icon in the upper right corner.

2. Cart.

  • In the cart you will see a summary of your purchases (what products and in what quantity have you added).
  • If you want to change the quantity of a given product, use the arrows (up - plus, down - minus) in the "Quantity" column. The quantity of the product in question will be updated automatically. If you want to remove a product from your cart, click "x".
  • If you want to add a product, click "Continue shopping".
  • If you want to go to the order, press "Proceed to checkout".

3. Placing an order.

  • If you already have an account in our store, log in with your e-mail and password.
  • If you do not have an account, please select the "Create an account" option to register or enter your details in the "Quick shopping" area, you can purchase as a Guest.
  • You will be asked to provide your shipping details (invoice) as well as to select a shipping option and payment method.

Remember that only registered customers have the option to: view the status of order fulfillment and purchase history, they do not have to re-enter data for subsequent purchases.

  • To confirm your order, click "I confirm my order".
  • Remember that before confirming your order, you must accept Store Regulations
  • You will then receive an order confirmation email with an order number.

4. Order confirmation in email.

  • Receive the e-mail in your mailbox. If you have any additional question related to your order please contact us .
  • If you have chosen to pay by traditional bank transfer - make the payment to start the order. The data will be sent in the order confirmation e-mail. Do not forget to enter the order number in the transfer title.
  • We will inform you by e-mail about further changes to the status of your order.

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