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Desk partition made of sound-absorbing fabric Pupiales

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Inspired by Caimi Brevetti Mitesco Desk (not replica Caimi Brevetti Mitesco Desk)

Due to the copyright notice, please note that this product is not a replica

Inspired by: Caimi Brevetti Snowsound Technology

Product description

The Mitesco sound-absorbing panel system allows you to divide table tops using panels made using Snowsound technology.
The system is available in a clamp version or for direct attachment to the desk top.


Caimi Brevetti, Michele De Lucchi, Snowsound Technology, Office, Construction, Office screens, Office partitions, Sanitation and air purification, Social distancing devices, office screen, Fabric office screens, Trevira® CS office screens, Synthetic fiber office screens, Mobile office screens, Sound absorbing office screens, Desk dividers, Fabric Social distancing devices, Trevira® CS Social distancing devices, Synthetic fiber Social distancing devices


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Desk partition made of sound-absorbing fabric Pupiales

Desk partition made of sound-absorbing fabric Pupiales

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