Inspired by Seventyonepercent

The Iris Ceramica Group has created Seventyonepercent, a contemporary vision of bathroom furnishings that combines environmental sensitivity with constant study of design and choice of materials. An exciting, modern and sustainable bathroom furnishing concept. Everything in this world lives in symbiosis, even the most distant things can coexist and influence each other. This relationship is perfectly expressed by the notion of percentage. 71% is the percentage of the land covered with water, the exchange and symbiosis at the root of everything.

The perfect balance.

GroupToday Iris Ceramica Group is the largest Italian industrial group specializing in the production of technical ceramics and technologically advanced porcelain stoneware. A story that goes back a long way. A great Italian story made up of dreamers who believed in the vision and the people who made it real. Since 1961, our founder Romano Minozzi has shared his commitment to the quest for aesthetic perfection with a group that has grown and strengthened over time thanks to the innovative spirit of his daughter Federica, the group's current CEO. All the companies in the group share values such as the desire to innovate and the sharing of knowledge and strategies, thanks to which Iris Ceramica Group is an opportunity for development and promotion for many talented people who work there.

Vision, in we believe is a future where sustainability and respect for others are the basis of living together. Our zero-impact production lines give us much more than just the opportunity to spread a culture of beauty and help us protect the environment as well. We work daily to create a world where the production and habitat of humanity come together to create a new level of prosperity.

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