Inspired by Sovet Italia
Sovet was born in the late 1980s to explore the possibilities of expressing glass in contemporary furniture. Since the beginning of 2000, it has been collaborating with important international designers and introducing other materials alongside glass, broadening its perspective under the sign of creativity and constant evolution. From "New Shapes for Glass" to "New Shapes for Design", the company has grown steadily over the past 30 years, transforming from a glass company to an internationally successful 360 degree design company, with new solutions for both home and contract environment that combine minimalism and careful selection of materials.
Made in Italy
Creative use of industrial processes, use of raw materials of absolute quality and meticulous work
of craftsmen, let Sovet create high-quality and 100% Made in Italy collections. Thanks to the most modern industrial automation systems, Sovet is also able to meet the high demand for contract space, always ensuring the highest quality standards. The company pursues a constant path of searching for materials in order to create a range of complementary accessories, equipping different types of surroundings with maximum possibilities of individualisation.
Glass retains its value as a fundamental element for the Soviet Union. The glass is coupled and processed using the most advanced technology and creates new materials that combine research and know-how, such as Materia and Liquid glass. Expanding the range of product types and relentless dedication to offer the public more and more custom opportunities are key points for Sovet, which have resulted in the selection of over 123 finishes. From ceramics to wood, from HPL to Cristalplant, to steel and aluminum. Leather, artificial leather, velvets and fabrics complete the range of excellent finishes, all made in Italy.
Glass can be re-entered the production cycle countless times and is a strong proof of the company's commitment to eco-compatibility. Sovet uses energy directly from renewable sources in its production processes. Thanks to its photovoltaic systems, it is able to meet its own energy needs. In addition, the company uses cardboard packaging for varnishing with a limited content of oil and water-based paints.
One of the main values of Sovet is a project that is to express innovation and a new culture of living in space.
Know-how in the production and processing phase of materials, along with the excellence of time-developed "non-standard" technical service, prompted Sovet to increasingly collaborate with internationally renowned architectural offices in the field of housing development and contract projects around the world and equipment for restaurants, hotels, salons, airports, ships and commercial spaces.
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